Would you like these event formats to continue?Dear living history enthusiast and fellow sword-and-shield fighter, Your opinion is needed. But first, please accept my apologies for sending yet another email this week. You’ve already received messages about the launch of our latest online course—necessary, of course, to make a living. Now, I find myself writing to you again—this time about something that ought to be all about enthusiasm and community: our training events. Practising historical martial arts with like-minded people from around the world—in Berlin or at Hedeby—is, as many of you have told me in person or on social media, a true highlight of the year. Feedback like that keeps me going. It fuels the commitment required to plan, organise, and run these events—often in partnership with world-class museums. But here’s the issue: while the enthusiasm is clearly there, actual responses are increasingly slow, vague, or absent altogether. Take the Hedeby Bouts, scheduled for 12–13 April—just three weeks away. I still need to complete the paperwork with the museum, yet so far only half a dozen participants have registered. That’s not enough to run the event. The same is true of the Berlin Buckler Bouts in May. The registration process is unchanged and simple: It’s frustrating to feel left hanging when enthusiasm has been voiced. As an organiser, this erodes motivation more than anything. These events are free, and they rely entirely on timely and reliable communication from those who wish them to happen. So I’m asking myself—and you—an honest question: At the moment, I’m leaning towards running only one Viking-themed event and one BBB per year. The Berlin Buckler Bouts would move to late November, when sign-ups have traditionally been more reliable, and Hedeby and Ribe events would alternate annually—assuming the museums remain open to that rhythm. Please understand: it took years of networking and trust-building to gain access to these extraordinary venues. Hedeby, a UNESCO World Heritage site, welcomed our martial arts work only after I formally presented my approach to former director Ute Drews. I remain grateful to her and to the current directors at Wikinger Museum Haithabu and Ribe VikingeCenter who continue to support our efforts. I would truly appreciate hearing your thoughts. If you value these events and wish to attend the upcoming Bouts at Hedeby or in Berlin, please do sign up now. Your prompt commitment is what allows these gatherings to happen. Yours in arms, You are receiving this message because you have signed up for previous events, or expressed your interest therein. If you prefer to not receive further emails, you can unsubscribe from future newsletters below. |
I am Roland Warzecha, a professional illustrator – and a swordsman. Hence the name ‘Dimicator’ which is a Latin term meaning sword fighter. I present to you cutting-edge research into historical martial arts, and Viking & high medieval sword & shield fighting in particular. I am co-operating with museums, fellow martial artists and scholars worldwide. Renowned expert for historical arms, Dr Alfred Geibig, says: “The careful reconstruction of historical swordsmanship, impressively demonstrated by Mr. Warzecha, is a valuable supplement to archaeological insights, and clearly proves the efficiency of European swords and the sophistication of the associated historical fighting arts.” To get regular up-dates on the archaeology and history of sword & shield and how they were used, sign up for my newsletter! I would be delighted if you would join my quest.
Events at Hedeby, Bruges, and Berlin Living & training at the Hedeby Bouts in April 2024 Dear sword-and-shield fighters and medieval arms aficionados, Time is flying! If you’re planning to join us at the Hedeby Bouts (12–13 April), fence shield fighters from Poland, the UK, the US, and Germany at the Berlin Buckler Bouts (24–25 May), or attend our classes at Fechtschule Bruges 2025 (1–4 May), now is the time to sign up. These events are driven by the passion and commitment of their...
Final Day to Save 40% on the New I.33 Course Learn to apply obsessiones to safely enter a fight Dear Fellow Sword Fighter, If you want to: Unlock 700-year-old martial concepts & sword fighting technique Understand the merits and limitations of attacking with cuts Master measure and timing Train with clear, precise instructions Apply core martial concepts to your fencing Deepen your understanding of martial legacy & lineage across European sword arts Prevail against left-handers as well as...
Fast, Efficient, Lethal First-person view of a so-called durchtritt (from our latest online course) Dear Fellow Researcher and Fighter, The stylised cute images in the 14th-century fechtbuch I.33 mask the lethal efficiency of the combat techniques they illustrate. Now, you can unlock the manuscript’s teachings embedded in the glosses and its medieval artwork. With clarity and depth, we guide you through decoding its visuals and understanding their martial relevance. The very same technique as...